Coming Soon

   Coming Soon

Masters Auctions LLC

​PO Box 564
Mandan, ND 58554
Randy  (701) 227-0746   Kathy (701) 720-2908

Pioneer Auto Museum Collector Car Auction

June 15th - 16th, 2018 - Murdo, SD

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

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Information found on the website is presented as advance information for the auction lot. Photos, materials for videos, descriptions and other information are provided by the consignor/seller and is deemed reliable, but Masters Auctions does not verify, warrant or guarantee this information. The lot and information presented at auction on the auction block supersedes any previous descriptions or information. Masters Auctions is not responsible for information that may be changed or updated prior to the auction. The decision to purchase should be based solely on the buyer’s personal inspection of the lot at the auction site prior to the auction.

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Vehicle Inventory

Coming Soon

The sale will begin at 10:30 AM on Saturday June 16th.

The auction will be promoted at car shows, on billboards, through the media, and on the internet so list early for maximum exposure.

    For consignment or other auction information, please contact

Randy  at 701-227-0746 orKathy  at 701-720-2908.